PETROLERN LLC‘s “Petroleum Hydrogeology and Hyrodynamics” course by Prof. Jim Underschultz in Karachi was an exceptional and interesting course which obtained full satisfaction of attendees from PPL.
Course Description: Hydrogeological data includes formation pressure, formation fluid chemistry, formation temperature that can be obtained from various types of well tests and drilling records. These are supplemented with other geological and engineering data to provide insight into the nature of formation fluids in the subsurface. This insight can be used to estimate the in-situ geometry of petroleum accumulations (geometry of hydrocarbon-water contacts and the lateral and vertical continuity of hydrocarbon phases), the relative mobility and degree of aquifer pressure support, and the likelihood of compartmentalization in fields. This same data can be used to assess the post development production performance and evaluation of bypassed pay. This 5-day course is deigned to lead attendees systematically through a learning process of how to access and evaluate various data types, interpret firstly simple and progressively more complicated hydrodynamic systems and use these interpretations to assess the economic potential of hydrocarbon systems. The course will include interactive lectures on theory, practical hands on exercises, and examples of real world applications that include both capillary and structural trapping mechanisms and how their effectiveness is impacted by hydrodynamic conditions. The course will touch on both conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources and will discuss methods of evaluating the effectiveness of both top seal and fault seal trapping mechanisms.
Instructor’s Biography: Prof Jim Underschultz is an internationally recognized expert in Petroleum Hydrogeology with extensive experience in different applications to conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon exploration and development as well as carbon capture and storage and geothermal energy. He is currently Professorial Chair of Petroleum Hydrodynamics at the University of Queensland with the Centre for Coal Seam Gas. He is Science Leader Storage for ANLEC R&D, Chair of the Geotechnical Reference Group for the CTSCo Surat CCS Project and sits on the Science Advisory Committee for the Peter Cook Centre for CCS Research. Previously, Jim was General Manager Science for ANLEC R&D with an annual research budget of ~$18 million AUS applied to more than 50 active research projects supporting Australia’s CCS demonstration. He was CSIRO Theme Leader for the Unconventional Petroleum and Geothermal Energy R&D program with more than 50 Full Time Equivalents and an annual budget of ~$16 million/yr AUS. He sat on the Sustainable Energy for the Square Kilometre Array geothermal project control group, the Australian Mirror Committee of ISO for Carbon Capture and Storage and he managed the hydrodynamics and geochemistry discipline group within the Australian Cooperative Research Centre on CO2 (CO2CRC). Recently, Jim’s research has focused on petroleum hydrodynamics of faulted strata and the incorporation of hydrodynamics into seals analysis (both top and fault seal). His research has varied application to conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons, geothermal energy, mining and carbon storage. Jim has an interest in measurement, monitoring and verification (MM&V) systems for assessing reservoir and seal performance.
If you are interested to have this unique course conducted for your organization, please send a request to